Monday, January 10, 2011

i ♥ yarn

hamilton totally got yarn bombed!
i love it.

we were out for dinner this past Monday night at Mex-i-can (an amazing restaurant on James North in Hamilton) and afterwards i snapped a few shots of some of the yarn bombing. soooo cool!



  1. Aw! I love seeing yarn bombings! That's awesome. I think I might have to do that around my city. :)

  2. This needs to happen in Edmonton. PRONTO.

  3. that is so cool! I totally want to yarn bomb my suburb. It would be so much fun!

  4. how cute!! i want someone to yarn bomb my town :)

  5. Hmmmmm i would start one to warm a tree diwntown but dave no clue how to make one

  6. I LOVE that so much. The town I live in is way to small and uncultured for that quite yet. . . all though I'm trying to talk some of my yarning friends into it!

  7. These are so sweet! People have really great ideas!

  8. That's awesome, I wish I knew how so I could spread the love in Corpus Christi, Texas!

  9. Oh my goodness, I get so excited when I see yarn bombings. There were some done here in Peterborough as part of a December 6th awareness campaign. That was awesome, but I'd really love to see some happen that are random and nonsensical. Maybe once I learn to knit I'll attack the downtown.

  10. that's AWESOME! your 365 project photos look great. my sister is doing it this year too.

    I gave you the Stylish Blogger award:

  11. That's so funny/cool! And if I end up moving to Portland I'm definitely going to find a place with a guest room so feel free to visit and go crazy at the vegan restaurants! Maybe I'll go vegan for a weekend too haha :]

  12. I have yet to see some in Chicago. I think I should start

  13. That tree looks amazing...what a great idea!
    Reminds me of another yarn bombing project I saw where people wove colourful hearts onto chain link cute:)

  14. I love to see stuff like this!

  15. never heard of yarn bombing. too funny!

  16. Awesomeeeeeeeeeee!

    I would do some in Brantford, but it would probably get cut down right away... bummer, ha.


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