Saturday, March 3, 2012

what i wore :: camouflage

:: head to toe ::
glasses :: Warby Parker
dress :: thrifted
belt :: thrifted
tights :: mall
shoes :: thrifted in Florida

Once upon a time I was a really excellent speller. I just knew how to spell things. And if I didn't my guess was almost always correct. Now, I tried five times to spell "camouflage" and eventually had to Google it because I just couldn't get that sneaky "u" in the right place! I guess camouflage is a bit of a tricky one but I have been messing up so many words lately that I should totally know how to spell. Oh boy.

Moving on...I could totally hide in my home wearing this if I just stood really still against a wall. This dress is such a good match with our walls! I don't wear it that often because it reminds me a bit of a nightgown when I see it hanging in my closet. Then every once in a while I pull it out and remember what a fantastic colour it is and who cares if it looks a little nightgown-y. My solution is to add a belt because people don't wear belts to bed, right?

I definitely can't forget to mention my shoes. I found these babies in an antique store in Florida and I almost didn't get them. I know, I'm crazy! I mean, each shoe is different colours! How could I not buy them? I'm happy to report that I quickly came to my senses and purchased them. You may be able to tell that the plastic part on the heel is must have been dry and cracked because I kept finding bits of it on the floor while I was taking these photos. So...they need a bit of a repair but no big deal! I mean, each shoe is different colours!

Ivan and I are currently visiting some of our favourite friends and getting lots of fun blog stuff accomplished. I am having another favourite over this coming week to get even more wonderful things done. It is an exciting time!



  1. I love the colour of your dress (and your walls) ♥
    & Those shoes are amazing (!!)

  2. That outfit is great, by far my favorite!

  3. That dress is AMAZING! I spotted it in your post on Thursday and was hoping that you would feature it in an outfit post.

    I wish thrifting was better in South Florida. I never get a lucky find like that dress!

    Have a great weekend!


  4. I don't think the dress looks night-gown-y, especially the way you've styled it. Those shoes are fantastic! Each shoe is different colours! Jen x

  5. if this is supposed to be an 'outfit post'... I can't SEE you! That is, I can only see a floating pretty face... which is a cool special effect ;o)
    Beauty blue - a fantastic colour on you!
    You get to co-work with some fantastic folk eh? Have a riot!
    needle and nest

  6. I love that dress! It looks awesome! Especially the colour! And it doesn't loook like you're going to bed at all! :)

    Love, Marie

  7. Sweet mother of all things turqoise I love this! I especially love the clip board art on your wall. Fantastic display idea.

  8. That dress is super cute, and I adore that color! I love how you matched it up with a fun belt.

    Little Lady Little City

  9. oh my goodness, your nails!!!

  10. Holy moly! Those shoes are awesome!!x

    1. Ps, I'm so excited to find out what you guys are getting up to with Kaylah and Kevin!x

  11. Aww, this dress is so cute! I love that color, especially paired with those tights. Also, I'm a good speller (6th grade spelling bee, no big deal) and I totally didn't know where the "u" went in camouflage so no need to feel bad! How often do you ever need to write that word anyway?

  12. THOSE SHOES. Be still my heart. they are so pretty! xo

  13. Cute outfit and those shoes are to die for. By the way, I love your wall decorations, what a great idea!

  14. Those shoes are pretty rockin! And the color of that dress is definitely reason enough to wear it, with the tights and belt it looks like a proper day dress.

    xo, Megan

  15. I have a dress that I feel the same way about! Totally a nightie. I've only worn it once.

  16. That dress and those shoes.. What a combo Elycia! You make it work!

  17. OMG .. I W A N T T H E S E S H O E S !!!

    But Florida ... oh nooooo ... I live in Germany.

  18. I have an actual nightdress that I really want to wear outside, but I haven't figured out how to make it look like real clothes yet :)

  19. cute dress! forgeting how to spell is a sign of ageing.(see what i did there?=)

  20. Great dress! Doesn't look like a nightgown at all to me! But, I would wear a nightgown like this any time.

  21. Those tights are awesome! I'm loving that wall color too.

    ♥ sécia

  22. I don't think you could be more adorable if you tried! And your dress doesn't look like a nightgown to me! ♥

  23. This is so adorable!!! :)


  24. If you're interested, you can buy heel replacements on eBay :)

  25. OMG! I love everything about this. Your shoes, nails, dress, wall...

  26. Your clipboard wall is AWESOME!

    And I totally just had a major dumb moment trying to figure out why this outfit post was titled camouflage when you're not wearing any camo patterns. Then I realised (d'oh). Oh, and spelling camouflage gets me every time too.

  27. I'm good at spelling, too, but I still have the Oxford English Dictionary bookmarked for moments just like that!

  28. Those shoes are just too cute! I don't think this dress looks particularly night-gowny at all - maybe it's your excellent styling that makes it so hard to see?

  29. I for one *lerve* nightgown-y dresses. Belt it up, baby!

  30. ha! I was wondering if anyone would think that :)

  31. The dress is a gorgeous shade of blue.

    I love the brooch and fingernail shot. Cuuute!

  32. Can you be any more adorable?! This is the kind of camouflage I can get into! Looove it.

  33. Loving the clipboard wall it's awesome display idea. X

  34. Loving the clipboard wall it's awesome display idea. X

  35. I think our living room walls are the same color as yours. It is my favorite color ever.

  36. Oh, I love the color of your wall and you dress. And your glasses are sooo lovely - you look very pretty <3

  37. Dang!! That dress and those shoes!? You find amazing things at thrift stores!


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