Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thoughts :: Thank you & Moving On

Thank you all so much for encouraging me to blog about whatever is going on in my life. I have always done that and it is always the advice I give other people in regards to blogging but when life changes so much in a short period of time it isn't always easy. I am getting pretty excited about sharing some things that I have learned so far in the parent department. If nothing else, documenting those things here will remind me of everything I learned in these early months if we decide to have another baby and I forget how to function for awhile.

Like I said, I have always been a firm believer in blogging about what YOU want to blog about but I think the problem was I just wasn't sure what I wanted to post about. I am pretty consumed with parenting and baby related things at the moment but did I want to take my blog in that direction? I know people can sometimes be touchy and even judgemental about other people's parenting choices. I was also nervous about addressing certain subjects that I feel passionately about because I don't want people who have made different choices to think that I am saying there is anything wrong with their choice. I always try to avoid judging other people's choices because being a parent has taught me more than ever that we all just do what works and what we feel is best for our child. I am hoping that people will extend the same courtesy to me but I know that is never a guarantee on the internet and I'm okay with that. My blog is meant to entertain and if people find entertainment by picking apart what I say, making fun of it or choosing to be offended by it then I'm okay with that too. Obviously that's not my preferred form of entertainment but I'm saying that sincerely, at the end of the day I really don't mind.

So I am going to move forward and continue to post about what has me interested from week to week which will definitely include more baby related things. I am also getting re-interested in decorating our home so I hope to share some of that once it gets underway. Some of these projects have been on the list since we moved in almost two years ago so I'd say it's about time to start some.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!!!


PS. This is one of my only posts that doesn't have a photo! I could go search for one but I have a pie in the oven and a baby on my lap so I'm just keeping it real. Or is it keepin' it real? I feel like that comes across better.


  1. if you aim to entertain, you certainly do. you also manage to be totally inspiring whilst "keepin' it real" ( :
    thankyou for sharing so much of your life with us.

  2. Oh god! The lack of photo and the title had me convinced you were quitting blogging. Don't scare us that way!

    1. Whoops!! I guess that title is a little misleading. I didn't think about it that way. Ha!

    2. Eek! Me too! I thought it was a good-bye post. Thank goodness we were wrong. :)

  3. I love seeing your little life updates, and I'm SUPER excited for seeing new decorating posts, you're style is awesome!

    Dannielle | Chic-a-DeeDee

  4. I agree! That is basically my blogging motto. :D

  5. i agree, blog what you want to blog about. thats how i have always felt. i'm in a weird spot right now myself. a lot is going on personally that i don't really want to share but is what is making me stay away and not write so personally on the blog. but hopefully things will gte back on track this upcoming month..s major stress will be eliminated and a fresh start to be had. plus - between us girls..ive been thinking about babies ALL the time, which is way out of left field for there may be a baby popping up on my blog in the next year or so as well!


    1. Yeah, so you get me! I always feel the same way when I'm going through something that I'm not sure I want to blog about.
      Don't those baby thoughts just sneak up on you out of nowhere? That's what happened to me!

  6. I miss your fun personality and style... To be honest I don't want your blog to be a baby blog :( I'd like to see more personal stuff. Like your favorite things,music,movies,recipes,places. Just normal daily stuff and random thoughts (and pics).I don't want to sound offensive.Just want to help a little. And I think you are really fun and interesting person. Just want to know you more. Thank you! xoxo

    1. That's fair! I don't think I want my blog to be a baby blog either. I will still post about a lot of the same things that I have in the past but I will also be posting more about being a parent because that is a big part of my life now and I would feel weird leaving it out. Thank you and you didn't come off offensive at all :D

  7. I always love reading your blog. It feels less like reading a magazine full of fashion and fancy home shoots (which can be fun! Don't get me wrong!) and more like I can hear your real voice speaking. I'll always enjoy that no matter what you choose to write about. I'm glad you can be honest with your readers about your thoughts on where you are going as a blogger.

  8. Recipes! Could you post some recipes? I'm so curious about vegetarian and vegan living, I'd love to read more about that!

  9. Oh I'm so glad you are going this direction. As a new mom (Phoebe is 5 weeks old) and a lax blogger I've been debating whether or not I should be posting family/parent/baby stuff on my blog. I wasn't sure if I should just start a new one. Of course, I don't have as many readers as you so I don't think it really matters but it is a very scary choice because, as you said, parenting choices can be so controversial. I love love love your baby updates and can't wait for more.

    xoxo Dolly

  10. I am just so glad that you are going to continue blogging. The heading sounded like you were going to finish up. I don't care what you write about, I like you and I just love taking time out of my day to be delightfully distracted with your words. My babies are now 14 and 11, however, I never get bored of seeing baby photo's or reading about your life with your beautiful little man. Babies are such a blessing and you are in a precious season of your life, so I say keep talking about what's in your heart and this Mother from Australia will be right here taking it all in.

  11. girl, i love this. I blogged about parenting a lot right after my son was born, but by the time he was a year old I found a pretty good balance with parenting and being my own person again. Just speak your truth, seriously ... and it will keep me interested. :)
    (oh and YES to the house decorating posts! those are always my favorites)

  12. Good on you. Even though I'm not a mum, and I don't plan on becoming one any time soon, I'm still interested in reading about your motherhood journey because I find *you* interesting. I love the way you write and you make me want to read about those topics. I'm so proud of you for keeping on writing about the things that interest you and the things that are relevant to you. You can't force your blog into a box, it's bound to keep evolving as your life changes. Good on you.

  13. I think that this is great, it's only natural that your blog would change as your life does. Theres no point in forcing yourself to blog about something that isn't actually 'you' any more. For those of us that don't have babies yet, i'm sure we will gain some knowledge for future reference! :)

  14. I love your way of writing, and I can't wait to hear you speak about, well...anything! Can't wait to see which direction this blog is gonna go!

  15. To be honest, I usually steer clear of blogs that feature children because that's not currently something that interests me, personally as I choose to be child-less.- There is something to your blog though and I actually look forward to seeing new pictures of Milo and hearing cute stories of his growth. He's so freaking adorable, its kind of hard not to fall in love with him! - You write so honestly (please keep doing that!) and in a way that even as a child-free reader, I enjoy and can imagine how I'd feel as a new mom.(I'd be freaked out!) Keep being you and keep writing about what YOU want to write about! You are awesome, Elycia!

  16. Keep on, keepin' it real, girl!
    Those of us who love you are the only peeps who matter :)
    What's that quote that I love so much that Dr. Seuss quoted once? Oh yes,
    "Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind don’t matter and people who matter don’t mind."
    ♥ Andrea ♥

  17. This is why I love you!!! ♥♥♥♥

  18. Yeah girl you rock! Post about whatever that makes you happy :) I understand that Milo is now big part of your life and it's awesome to follow his growth as long as your blog is not all about him... You doing great!! Much love

  19. I'm excited for more baby related posts! lol My life is all consumed by a baby too.


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